User Roles / Restrictions


To manage all users that are registered on your site, please go to the All Users section in the  WP admin panel › Users panel.

The user role that is assigned to an individual user will be visible in the Role column. When a customer buys a subscription the correct user role is assigned automatically through WooCommerce.


2 user roles are used to handle restriction access: Subscriber for active members and Customer for non-members/expired members.



All settings regarding these roles are preconfigured and will be ready to use after importing a demo.

To set up custom redirect options for both the Subscriber and Customer user roles, please visit the Members tab in the AX-Plus plugin:

Menu Restrictions

Menu items can be hidden based on user role via the Nav Menu Roles plugin.

Nav Menu Roles

Header Button

To change the header button visibility based on user role, please go to the Customizer › Header section and find the Header Button element.